We cannot deny that the domestic terrorism in Texas and Ohio & the ICE raids in Mississippi can all be sourced to white supremacy and dangerous rhetoric that expresses the “need” to “protect” whiteness.
Now is not the time to be silent or numb WHICH IS WHY WE’RE PARTNERING WITH NOWTHIS TO GET THE MESSAGE OUT. CHECK OUT THE VIDEO HERE AND Join US in taking action to #EndWhiteSupremacy in all of its manifestations.
action one: PETITION
As we approach the two-year anniversary of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, it’s important to take stock of what online platforms have done — or haven’t done — to stop the spread of white supremacy.
Twitter has allowed white supremacists to run rampant on its platform, and enabled them to organize real-world events centered on their hateful ideology and publicize their acts of violence. The company’s failure to stand strong against white supremacists is putting people of color, immigrants, religious minorities, LGBTQIA+ people and women — common targets of organized online hate — in danger.
Tell Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to #StopRacistTwitter by banning white supremacists and adopting the Change the Terms coalition’s model policies and terms of service.
action two: DONATE
Mijente is a national organization and political home for Latinx changemakers. Support this brown-led organization as they resist ICE and the weaponization of immigration.
The People’s Advocacy Institute supports local communities with participatory legal support, trainings, and electoral justice efforts. Support their ongoing work to empower local communities.
CARECEN envisions Los Angeles becoming a place where Central Americans and all other communities live in peace and dignity, enjoying economic well-being, social justice, and political empowerment. Support CARECEN here.
action three: ADVOCATE
It can’t be people of color alone standing up against white supremacy. There will be a national video call Organizing White Men for Collective Liberation on Sunday, August 18th, 8 ET/5 PT. This call will be led by members of Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ) with special guest Matt McGorry (Actor & Co-Founder of Inspire Justice).